Empowering project collaboration – overcome the challenges of information silos within the Asta product suite

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Asta Powerproject updates: version 17 and future roadmap

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec condimentum quam, commodo rhoncus dolor. Fusce imperdiet libero vel mauris laoreet blandit. Donec aliquam magna non nulla venenatis, sit amet pharetra ligula ultrices.

Benefits of digitalising short-term planning – using Asta Connect as an integrated Last Planner solution

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec condimentum quam, commodo rhoncus dolor. Fusce imperdiet libero vel mauris laoreet blandit. Donec aliquam magna non nulla venenatis, sit amet pharetra ligula ultrices.

The building lifecycle

Navigating the building lifecycle is complex, challenging, and unpredictable. But doing the same thing in the same way and expecting different outcomes… no wonder the average construction worker is operating at 40% efficiency!

Many construction companies are turning to lean management techniques and technology to streamline their projects, reduce costs, materials, and time and effort on site. Industry adoption of Lean Construction is increasing and for many, including a growing body of research, it is key to bridging the productivity gap and keeping pace with the ever-growing complexity of the built environment and the macro challenges facing the industry.

professional engineer work on a construction site Project work plan for designing houses and industrial buildings construction site at sunset in the evening

View our blogs:

An introduction to Elecosoft Asta Connect lean scheduling solution
The construction industry is always looking for ways to become more efficient – whether that’s changing materials, introducing smarter processes or reducing waste. Yet promoting...
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3rd May 2023
The key benefits of lean methodology in the construction industry
Completing successful construction programmes has never been more challenging than it is right now. With the rising cost of materials, growing labour shortages, wage inflation...
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28th September 2023