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“Do it right, the first time” – and deliver what you plan

Asta Powerproject®Webinar

In the current environment of tight margins and increased scrutiny, it has never been more important to plan it right in the first place, then deliver on this plan. However, all too often the realities of construction diverge from this original plan. In some cases, the changes are unavoidable – but even so, it’s vital to spot the deviation, record the change and re-plan accordingly.

But not using suitable project planning tools, such as defaulting to generic or inappropriate software, can quickly get you into trouble. Your software needs to be flexible enough to model the real world, powerful enough to handle all the factors affecting delivery, but easy enough to use out of the box.

Asta Powerproject by Elecosoft has been relied upon by the largest contractors through to independent sub-contractors to plan successful projects. Our free webinar will show you how Asta Powerproject can help you deliver what you plan by:

  • Building a digital representation of your key deliverables
  • Tracking activity using mobile devices
  • Giving visibility and control over costs and resources
  • Highlighting risks and modelling out mitigations