Tips and tricks
Tips & tricks
To access context-sensitive Help that relates to the Powerdraw dialog you are currently looking at, press F1 within the dialog.
You can set the margins of a border to match your default printer, or all your installed printers.
You can define gridlines that help you to size and position items within your borders and make items snap to the gridlines as you add them to a border.
You can display project information in your borders by inserting fields, which represent a piece of information in a project, chart or view, such as the project start date. When you load a border containing fields into Asta Powerproject or Easyplan, the fields are replaced by the information they represent, taken from the project.
You can categorise the items within your borders so that you can choose which items are displayed as you work on the border.
You can specify that items within a border only print on certain pages of a printout, for example the first page, the last page, or all odd or even pages.
You can provide translations for the text within a border, then display the border in different languages.