Innovation Summit
Learn from industry experts, connect with like-minded individuals and elevate your professional development
February 28, 29th | Music City
Sign up before 12th February for a hotel discount and be entered in our prize draw
Connect with like-minded professionals
Elevate your team’s professional growth, equip them with valuable insights to improve project planning and performance management, mitigate project failure and ultimately propel project goals forward.
Connect with like-minded professionals, benefit from peer-to-peer sharing of industry best practices, unlock industry insights that directly contribute to optimizing project outcomes and effeciency.
The Keynote Presentation
Looking at the problems of slow 4D adoption, lower perceived 4D value and manual scheduling process, while considering what technology was available to help and understand that 3D designs were becoming more commonplace, led to a partnership between Elecosoft & industry experts in the CIMIC Group. Asking the question “what if we could actively use 3D design rather than passively use the design to only visualize?” resulted in the development of the Active 4D process as we now know it now.
Our Speakers. Your Visionairies
Experience the collective wisdom of industry leaders, experts, and Elecosoft leadership collaboratively working to empower built environment professionals to shape the future of our industry through innovative processes and technology.
Mark Chapman, Elecosoft, Head of Innovation
Keynote – Session 6 & 13
Jonathan Hunter, Eleco, CEO
David Hernandez, Elecosoft, Head of US | Managing Director
Amy Bretzke, Mortenson, Operating Group Director of Planning & Scheduling
Customer Presentation
Daniel Hewson, Elecosoft, Data Capability Manager
Session 1 & 12
Mary Williams, Project Analytics
Sessions 5 & 8
Bill Jack Daniel, Danbridge Consulting
Session 11 & 14
Chris Ray, Elecosoft, International Channel Manager
Sessions 2, 4 & 10
Wendy Corrigan, Project Integration
Sessions 3 & 9
Casey O’Leary, Mortenson, Manager of Planning & Scheduling
Customer Presentation
Kristen Swan, Constructibility & Scheduling at Bureau of Project Delivery, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Customer Presentation
Whitney Ruth, Corporate Scheduling Manager, Granite Construction
Session 7
Innovation Summit Venue Location
When: February 28th and 29th 2024
Where: Hilton Garden Inn – Downtown/Convention Center
Address: 305 Korean Veterans Blvd, Nashville, TN 37201
Cost for attending: $250/per person
Discounts extended for 5 or more
Does not include cost of Hotel Room