Introduction to Asta SiteProgress
Asta SiteProgress is an application that you can use to record the progress of tasks and building stages from a remote location using a mobile device.
When you access Asta SiteProgress at the start of a working period – usually a week or fortnight – information relating to the tasks on which you are due to work during the working period are downloaded automatically. You can select the project that you want to update and browse through the project hierarchy to locate the chart or summary group that represents the site that you want to update. You can then use Asta SiteProgress to update individual tasks and to tick off the build stages that have been completed for each plot. You can also use Asta SiteProgress to associate photographs with particular tasks or build stages and record notes about them. At the end of each working period, you submit your changes, after which a Asta SiteProgress Administrator can update the projects with your progress information.
Once you have downloaded information to your mobile device, you can use Asta SiteProgress to record progress even if you do not have a valid internet connection, which may be the case if you are working onsite in a remote location. You can then submit your changes at a later time, when you do have a valid internet connection.