Do you need to calculate cost per time unit?
Help guides
- Can you tell the difference between bars and tasks?
- Do you know how to identify part-critical tasks?
- Can you plan your future projects faster with task pools?
- Do you display alternate shading and default task display?
- Are you using multiple cost centres and need to identify individual costs in the table?
- Do you want to highlight or ignore specific links?
- Is your heirarchy difficult to understand?
- Do you need to show spreadsheet information for a particular code?
- Do you need to track your logic through the programme?
- Is your Project View panel looking cluttered?
- Does one of your team need to take a holiday?
- Do you need more than one Notes column?
- Having difficulties visualising logic links?
- Do you have a record of the original programme dates?
- What it is happening in your project for the next 6 weeks?
- Do you need to calculate cost per time unit?
- What is the difference between Slip and Variance?
- Can you make your summaries reflect tasks that pass a filter?
- Do you need to calculate durations and progress based on task work?
- Want to save a pre-set of spreadsheet columns?
- Booking out sections of the programme to other planners
- Adding shading that moves automatically with variable dates
- Did you know that you can put multiple tasks on the same line?
- Do you know how to track your resource allocations?
- Introduction to Templates
- Do you need to change your project calendar
Do you need to calculate cost per time unit?
Assigning a fixed cost to a task is one thing, but what if your cost is worked out at £100 per day? Or you need to calculate the cost of utilizing an individual resource at £15 per hour? Asta Powerproject can assign time-based costs or cost rates to calculate the numbers for you without the need of an abacus or calculator.